We are already in the Digital Era and companies that are still in denial or whose organization is not taking the necessary steps for this transition will lose agility, efficiency and competitiveness. But we already know that, the hard part is to act.
The most complex part of making a change is to become aware of your own resistance (it is usually an unconscious process, almost "self-defense"). We are so convinced that what we are doing is right, that we find a thousand reasons to justify not doing things differently and we avoid or fight against change. Although this article has nothing to do with Change Management, which seeks, through various techniques and tools, to make people move as quickly as possible from the stage of denial to the stage of acceptance and even proactivity in the face of change because they finally "buy" the benefits of change for themselves and the organization, there are a number of elements that help the company a lot with the transition to the Digital ERA.
In that sense, in this article we will try to give some elements that can not only help the company to improve the environment of people in order to accelerate their transition to Digital making them more productive and more aware of the importance of this transformation.
Let's think about some of the main elements that make a person more productive in an organization and see which of them can be facilitated by the environment provided by the company:
1. Knowledge of the business objectives and their correlated indicators 2.
2. Knowledge of the importance, role and interactions of their work and processes where they participate in the company and who are the internal and external customers.
3. Knowledge of the risks and controls for which he/she is responsible.
4. Competencies (those that apply to the profile, but with emphasis on attitude and communication).
These five elements are perhaps not new, but what usually happens is that they are taken into consideration (and not always well) when a person enters the organization and then is not updated, evaluated or monitored properly over time either by the same trajectory that the person is having or changes within the company.
In practice, it is impossible to maintain this manually. As a company, we must create an environment where workers can access these five elements continuously, automatically and digitally without having to search for information or request that certain things happen, or worse, remain in "ignorance" of the issues that will unknowingly reduce their competitiveness and productivity in the business over time.
This change sounds big, but it is simpler to execute than it seems. Nowadays companies already waste a lot of time and effort trying to manage different fronts using tools such as Excel, Word, Visio, Bizagi or others to cover certain specific aspects and perhaps good individually but disintegrated among themselves, not focused on the employee and very manual in their use, requiring such a great effort in their maintenance and interrelation that they end up in the rapid obsolescence and inconsistency of their content.
Let's imagine now that instead of using all these individual management tools with flat and independent databases, we use a single tool that has the employee, his position and role as the central axis of all the management elements of the company and that the information also ends up in a multidimensional repository on which we can analyze our management and the company.
It is important to make clear that it is not about doing things in a very different way from what we are used to, but it is about taking advantage of the individual effort of each front consolidating everything in a single tool that takes as "primary key" the collaborator and his position in all the management fronts in which he participates, with the added value of the exploitation of information, with structured data and the possibility of configuring business rules and automations that facilitate the work and that allow the collaborator to know in a permanent way the elements that make people more productive and with greater contribution to the Organization.
Goldenbelt will allow the management of processes, organization and people, documents, policies, risks, controls, action plans, indicators, workflows, strategy and projects, with business rules and algorithms that will automatically keep the employee informed, who will also be able to manage and perform analytics on the different elements under his or her responsibility.
And you, have you already created the right environment in your company and your collaborators to facilitate digital transformation?